Angry New Yorker |
Semi-Daily Rants from New York City's Angry Man
"As I know more of mankind I expect less of them, and am ready now to call a man a good man, upon easier terms than I was formerly."
- Dr. Samuel Johnson, Boswell, Life of Johnson, Sept. 1783
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Thursday, May 26, 2005
Angry New Yorker will be on hiatus until July 28, 2005, unless there's simply some news or development that we can't resist commenting upon. Sorry for the break, but we trust you'll use the time wisely. ;-) Thursday, May 19, 2005
Full nuclear power ahead Given the democrats' blatant spin, deceptive by design rhetoric and outright bald-faced lies lately, they frankly deserve to have the "nuclear" option rammed down their throats. This very second we're watching Senator Bill Nelson of Florida on C-SPAN, who if he isn't a liar, is an idiot, because he just said he likes every senator in the senate. That's facially a crock, because I've yet to meet anyone who likes everyone in a group larger than 20 people. With statements like that he's simply not to be trusted. And his spin at this moment on C-SPAN is straight on the Reid-Pelosi-MoveOn.Org party line. Hey, have it Senator Nelson. We don't like you, we don't like Reid, Pelosi, Krazy Ted Kennedy, Boom Boom Biden, Chuckee Schumer, and Hillary Clinton either, and we're not ashamed to not only admit it, but state it plainly. Wednesday, May 18, 2005
The Myth of the Uncontrollables Mayor Bloomberg, and many others in state and city politics, often point to the state and city's fixed expenses - health insurance, Medicaid, debt service - primarily in explaining away why spending can't be curbed. But the Citizens Budget Commission in a report release last week, Four Ways New York City Can Take Control of Its Financial Future and Save $2.5 Billion per Year, available here [PDF], that there are actions the mayor and city council can take to reduce these fixed "non-discretionary spending" expenses. The CBC's four proposals are:
These four proposals would yield the following annual savings in fiscal year 2009: Tuesday, May 17, 2005
More Multi-Cultural Madness What a crock this will turn out to be. In addition to enabling parents to continue to avoid learning basic English, it adds an untold new city contractors and union employees at an unknown cost, and further panders to the non-English crowd. Translations of all "important" school documents into eight languages? What qualifies as an important document? How many more languages will be steadily added to this initial batch -- because you can rest assured that every language group will start the petition to add them to the initial eight. City provided interpreters at all parent-teacher conferences? Here's a question: why can't parents assume the responsibility to find someone in their own family circle who speaks English and bring them to a parent-teacher conference? We at Angry New Yorker continue to again throw up our hands over this entire issue because it, like many social programs, ratchets only one way -- expanding constantly. From today's Council Weighs Bill Requiring Translation Of School Documents Tuesday, May 10, 2005
McMahon on Bloomberg's Budget - $4.4 Billion in the Red in 2007 McMahon sees the real picture when it comes to NYC spending. In his editorial, Two Faces of Mike, in today's New York Post, available here, he notes: TWO FACES OF MIKE Monday, May 09, 2005
We like it! And agree fully with Deroy Murdock, NRO Contributing Editor, here, that it's past time to scrap the "Freedom Tower" as well as its designer, Daniel Lebiskind, in favor of: Twin Towers II Design by Kenneth Gardner and Herbert Belton • • • ![]() The Mayor's Budget of Creamy Goodness For All As we noted, posting between now and July 29th is going to be sporadic. Trust us -- between what we have to do and posting here -- we'd much rather be posting here. But life is what it is, and there's no use whining about it. Here's something to actually whine about:
Friday, May 06, 2005
A friend writes in... "More Pandering Pieces of Political Pulchritude From the NYC Council Tuesday, May 03, 2005
More Empiral Evidence that Bloomberg is Wrong About NYC's Population ... when he says that people continue to flow into NYC from other parts of the country. We were just putting together a guest list of family members for a little party we're organizing this summer, and noted that of the 35+ siblings, cousins and close friends we're inviting, who all lived in New York city as children, only three still live within the five boroughs. The rest have relocated to the 'burbs or moved out of New York state entirely. Now why would this be Mr. Bloomberg? And we recently learned two more will be moving to Crestwood in Westchester from Forest Hills shortly. The future did once happen here, to quote the title of an excellent book on cities. It no longer does, and won't as long as politicans like Bloomberg et al. spout their nonsense. Monday, May 02, 2005
Tamar Jacoby & The Wall Street Journal Are Completely Wrong About Immigration We're not sure why Ms. Jacoby is at the Manhattan Institute. Seriously. We agree with 99% of the Manhattan Institute's views as written about in City Journal, but we've disagreed with Ms. Jacoby on virtually everything she's had to say about immigration in the past five years. With columns like hers in today's NY Daily News, "They Should All Be Legal," available here, she reveals why we think she's a card-carrying member of the "open the borders now" crowd. She writes, for example, that illegals can hold a job here and do other things, "[b]ut try to get a driver's license or enroll your kid in college or bargain with your boss or even just take a vacation in your home country - all things that most of the rest of us take for granted - and you will suddenly be reminded: Though Americans are happy to look the other way while you work hard to help grow our economy, we also are determined to punish you for entering the country illegally. "Excuse me, Ms. Jacoby, but your logic is fatally flawed. Increasingly angry and vocal Americans throughout the country are demanding federal and state governments stop looking the other way, and that the lax border enforcement that's grown up due to liberal hand-wringing and pandering by politicians who can't even bring themselves to verbally separate illegal aliens from "immigrants" come to an end. (See, e.g., Janon Fisher, Killing Leaves Suburbanites Wary of Immigrant Workers, N.Y. Times, May 5, 2005, available here (noting in story about recent rape and murder of Rockland county mother by a suspect described as a "Guatemalan immigrant," that "[t]he crews who ride the trucks and do the work are largely immigrant, some legal and some not" -- leaving one to speculate regarding how many of that "some not" contingent are illegal, a word not found once in the article itself)). Jacoby goes on to say: "But it hardly makes sense to deport 11 million people. Just imagine the dragnets and roundups and forced family breakups. It would also devastate the economy, both locally and nationwide. As poll after poll shows, what Americans want is control: a secure, orderly, legal immigration system. But we can't build that new, sound structure on a rotten foundation - so we've got to do something about the illegal immigrants already here."Here again, Jacoby conflates one goal with another. We certainly want a secure, orderly, legal immigration system. And no one disputes the impossibility of deporting 11 million people -- though frankly a few dragnets and televised dragging of illegals out of apartments wouldn't hurt; however, the need is to send the message to those illegals here and those planning to come here via illegal methods that we're sincere, active and determined to prevent illegals from establishing a U.S. beachhead, or remaining. And you would only need to deport a tiny fraction of that 11 million to forcefully send that message. Further, we fundamentally disagree with Jacoby that enforcing immigration laws would "devastate the economy" either locally or nationwide, and we've yet to see any empirical evidence from Ms. Jacoby to the contrary. The WSJ's been a constant proponent of open borders and guest worker programs (see Editorial, Immigration Reality Check - The economy intrudes on the restrictionists, Wall St. J., May 3, 2005, available here). Since the majority of illegals cluster in three states - NY, CA, and Texas, are we to believe that the economies of the other 47 have been devastated by the fact that they aren't brimming with illegal aliens? (See previous post, here, arguing "illegal aliens have had a destructive effect on pay levels and our work ethic because they've swept entire job areas into jobs that then become self-defined as jobs that 'only illegal aliens do.'") And even if our economy would be devastated, a point we again strongly dispute, shouldn't that decision be up to the American people? UPDATE: The suspect in the murder mentioned above, turns out to not be Dennis Herrera, 39? Why? Because the suspect arrested carried a stolen id, and is actually a 29-year old illegal alien. Surprise. He remains the main suspect. More details as they become available. But if we seriously policed, caught and deported illegals would that murdered Rockland county woman be alive today? Albeit purely speculative, but we think it's more likely than not that she'd be alive today if rounding up illegals in Rockland was addressed with the same seriousness that other matters in New York are treated; say, oh, Bloomberg's fetish with smoke-free bars and other politicians' obsession with DWI crackdowns. Sunday, May 01, 2005
The Give Peace a Chance Contingent Meets Again In Manhattan The group United for Unrealistic Idealism, also known as United for Peace and Justice, "took to the streets" this weekend in manhattan to "protest the Bush administration’s policies in Iraq and on nuclear weapons proliferation," according to NY1. Hey, have it. |