Angry New Yorker

Thursday, November 11, 2004
The Autumn edition of City Journal is out. I read every article of every issue, and I'm better for it.

City Journal Autumn 2004.

Autumn 2004.

A quarterly magazine of urban affairs, published by The Manhattan Institute, edited by Myron Magnet.

Heather Mac Donald
Homeland Security? Not Yet
Political correctness still makes us pull our punches.

Steven Malanga
The Myth of the Working Poor
Two Americas? The scaremongering bestsellers that say so are economically illiterate.

Kay S. Hymowitz
Dads in the ‘Hood
Black America starts facing up to the tragedy of the Accidental Father.

Robert P. George & David L. Tubbs
Why We Need a Marriage Amendment
An imperial judiciary won’t leave same-sex marriage to the states.

Peter Huber & Mark P. Mills
Can Terrorists Turn Out Gotham’s Lights?
Here’s how to strengthen our vulnerable power grid.

Robert Adam, Franck Lohsen McCrery, Peter Pennoyer, Richard Sammons, John Simpson, Thomas Gordon Smith, & Alexander Stoddart
Reimagining the Far West Side
Renowned architects bring the classical New York skyscraper tradition into the twenty-first century.


Jonathan Rose
The Classics in the Slums

John Fund
How to Steal an Election

Stefan Kanfer
Sondheim vs. Sondheim


In Prospect


The Truth About Iraq
Give Us the Money
We Don’t Need Car Alarms
I Wed Thee, and Thee, and Thee
Rather Not
Spinning the Economy Down
Torn Jeans
What’s the Matter with Thomas Franks?
Inclusive Failure

Theodore Dalrymple
Oh, to be in England
The Frivolity of Evil



Howard Husock
Stafford Diarist
The Prince of Poisoners

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