Angry New Yorker

Tuesday, September 21, 2004
The BBC Reports:

Group 'kills second US hostage'
Militants in Iraq have killed the second of two US civilians they were holding hostage, according to a statement on an Islamist website.

The murdered man is thought to be Jack Hensley, who was abducted from Baghdad with two other Westerners last week.

The other US captive was shown being killed by a masked man - said to be al-Qaeda suspect Abu Musab al-Zarqawi - in a video released on Monday.

The remaining hostage is a Briton, Kenneth Bigley.

The men were kidnapped by militants claiming to be from the Tawhid and Jihad group, headed by Mr Zarqawi, on Thursday.

On Monday, after killing the first hostage, they issued a new 24-hour deadline for the release of all women from US-run prisons in Iraq.

"The nation's zealous sons slaughtered the second American hostage... after the end of the deadline," said the statement posted on the website on Tuesday.

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