Angry New Yorker

Sunday, July 18, 2004
The AngryNYker offices will be closed from July 19th through August 2nd, as we head out on vacation and recharge the batteries in preparation for the fall election season. But in the time we'll be away the July 30th deadline for the NYS legislature to tackle the CFE judicial ruling will no doubt have come and gone without any action by Albany. Such is the workings of NYS government these days. Nothing from nothing leaves nothing.

But the Manhattan Institute just came out with an interesting report :

No Strings Attached? Ensuring that “CFE” Funds are Spent Effectively
Civic Report 42.The 2003 New York State Court of Appeals ruling in the Campaign for Fiscal Equity case has created a historic opportunity to reform New York City's troubled schools. Unfortunately, state officials seem focused on increasing funding statewide without mandating change in how the city manages its schools. This report reviews two decades of evidence showing that increasing school aid without structural reforms does not improve city schools. Instead, the data point to the city's real problem: poor management, and contractual restrictions that make it virtually impossible to assign more good teachers to the schools that need them most. If state officials do not mandate structural reforms through the CFE ruling, they will only succeed in mandating a higher price tag for failure.

The report is short, concise and understandable to anyone -- an amazing feat for reports of this genre. I recommend reading it. Until August, this is the AngryNYker signing off...

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