Angry New Yorker

Monday, March 08, 2004
Briefly moving from the local NYC scene to the national, AngryNYker reiterates its endorsement of President Bush in the coming election. And here's another look why . . .

"If Kerry had been president, [Senator Ted] Kennedy said, "we never would have gone to war. We would have mobilized the international community. We would have isolated and contained Saddam Hussein."

And this is clearly preferable in Kennedy's and Kerry's view. That 25 million people be ruled by a blood-thirsty dictator, who was increasingly out-of-touch with reality, surrounded by corruption and serving as a petri dish and rest-stop for terrorist elements from surrounding countries. Hey, if that's the "leadership" you think best serves this country, then by all means exercise your right to vote for Kerry. We certainly will not.

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