Angry New Yorker

Friday, June 06, 2003
Study says a fair fare is $1.75 - Hits MTA's higher hike

"The Metropolitan Transportation Authority can afford to scale back bus and subway fares to $1.75 for the rest of the year, according to an analysis released yesterday.
But fares would have to go back up to $2 come Jan. 1, according to the report, done by state Controller Alan Hevesi for the Straphangers Campaign.

"The bottom line is if the MTA wanted to put money back in the pockets of riders, it could do it," Straphangers staff lawyer Gene Russianoff said.

The analysis comes a month after a judge ordered the MTA to roll back its fare increase, saying the agency misled the public on its finances - turning a series of hearings on the increase into a sham. The ruling has been stayed, pending appeal." [more]

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