Angry New Yorker

Tuesday, June 17, 2003
By LEELA de KRETSER, New York Post, June 17, 2003.

June 17, 2003 -- New York is the world's 10th most expensive place to live - and the most pricey in the United States, a new survey says. But New Yorkers may not be getting their money's worth.

The survey, by Mercer Human Resource Consulting, says that the quality of life of New Yorkers ranks only 44th worldwide.
City residents don't have to travel far to find the second most expensive American city. It's White Plains. That's followed by Los Angeles, Chicago, Miami and San Francisco.

New York did get a bit cheaper - relatively speaking. Last year it was seventh on the list. Tokyo won the dubious distinction of being the world's most expensive city. It's followed by Moscow; Osaka, Japan; Hong Kong; Beijing; Geneva; London; Seoul and Zurich.

Want to live cheap? Move to Paraguay. Its capital, Asuncion, is the world's least expensive city.

The annual survey compares the cost of more than 200 items in 144 countries. Housing and transportation costs were big factors in placing New York high on the list, said Mercer's international consultant, Rebecca Powers. Internationally, the two cities that offer the best quality of life are both Swiss and expensive - Geneva and Zurich, Mercer said.

The exact rankings of quality of life in U.S. cities were not immediately available. But Mercer said at least five cities outscore New York - San Francisco, Honolulu, Seattle, Portland, Ore., and Boston.

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