Angry New Yorker

Monday, April 28, 2003
Spam, spam, spam, spam
Real Estate Secrets Revealed!!! Is your member memorable enough? Hot Teens! Ink cartridges! Zero interest mortgages! World's smallest digital camera! VlAGRA, Soma, Fioricet, Prescribed Online for Free! Quality Dental Coverage with Bonus Benefits Included! Look and feel 10-Years-Younger! For MARRIED eyes ONLY!! Need Cash for Your Home!! Health Care Protection for Everyone! Historic "LOW" Interest Rates Available...

Yep. Spam is out of control. The FTC is holding a public Spam Forum this week, Tues. April 29th, through May 2 to "explore the issues regarding the proliferation of and potential solutions to unsolicited commercial email (UCE' or 'spam')." The forum will also look at how the unique qualities of spam contribute to and hinder both fraud and its prosecution." One interesting report the FTC will present is entitled "False Claims in Spam." According to the FTC, "the report describes a staff review of a random sample drawn from more than 11 million pieces of unsolicited commercial e-mail, commonly known as spam." Now that's a lot of spam! (See also; AOL Legal Department; Junk E-Mail Legislation; Charles E. Schumer, The Dark Side of E-Commerce: The Email Spam Epidemice, [reporting that "New York City residents receive 8.25 million junk emails a day and spend 4.2 million hours a year eliminating spam messages."])

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