Angry New Yorker

Friday, April 20, 2007
The new issue of City Journal is out!

City Journal Spring 2007. Spring 2007.

A quarterly magazine of
urban affairs, published by
the Manhattan Institute,
edited by Brian C. Anderson.


Christopher Hitchens
Jefferson Versus the Muslim Pirates

America’s first confrontation with the Islamic world helped forge a new nation’s character.

Peter W. Huber
Germs and the City

Two centuries of success against infectious disease have left us complacent—and vulnerable.

Adam D. Thierer
The Media Cornucopia

It’s a Golden Age of media—but not for long, if the Left has its way.

Guy Sorman
The Empire of Lies

The twenty-first century will not belong to China.

Nicole Gelinas
Baghdad on the Bayou

To recover from Katrina, New Orleans must defeat the criminals who terrorize its streets.

Steven Malanga
Cory Booker’s Battle for Newark

A bold reformer takes on entrenched crime and corruption.

Kay S. Hymowitz
The Incredible Shrinking Father

Artificial insemination begets children without paternity, with troubling cultural and legal consequences.

Sol Stern
Save the Catholic Schools!

They work miracles with inner-city kids, but without help, their own future is uncertain.

Stephen B. Presser
Reading the Constitution Right

Clarence Thomas’s fidelity to our founding documents is making its mark on the Supreme Court.


Christopher Hitchens
Jefferson Versus the Muslim Pirates

America’s first confrontation with the Islamic world helped forge a new nation’s character.

Stefan Kanfer
Love and Glory in East Aurory

Elbert Hubbard, an American original


In Prospect

Time for the Truth About Black Crime Rates
Out-in-Left-Field Trips
Engineering Souls
Many Happy Returns
The Most Reckless State
Ban the Bats, Hold the Fats
Broken Windows Turns 25

Theodore Dalrymple
Oh, to be in England

A Drinker of Infinity



Andrew Klavan
Santa Barbara Diarist

The Big White Lie

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